Bargain eBooks #740:

final book cover A Death in C Minor (1)A Death in C Minor: A Mick Chandra Mystery by Rebecca Yount
Genre: crime
Price:  $0.99
Where to Get It:                 
Amazon (Kindle)    Barnes and Noble   Kobo  
Determined to rebuild her life following a suicide attempt, beautiful young American concert pianist Jessica Beaumont retreats to a 17th century cottage near the village of Kenwick, in rural England. She is embroiled in the murder investigation of a secretive neighbor who was hacked to death in his manor house with his own kitchen cleaver. She soon becomes romantically entangled with one of the murder suspects, a handsome wealthy landowner. Hungry for love, she flings herself full-tilt into an affair with him. Then, on a rainy evening, Detective Inspector Michael “Mick” Chandra of New Scotland Yard shows up at the door of her rented cottage, informing her that he has been assigned to reopen the case. Against the backdrop of a violent murder evolves a passionate love story. When Jess herself finds the critical clue to the killing, she is threatened to become the next victim.

What they’re saying about it:

“…compelling characters….Well done and I’d love to read another installment in this clever mystery series!”—The Minding Spot

“I’m looking forward to Mick Chandra’s next case, and I hope that Jess sticks around, too!”—Literary R&R

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